Celtica Music & Tours was founded in 1994 to answer the needs of the “bus tour averse”. Hosted by Robbie and Roxanne O’Connell, Celtica’s tours rapidly became a popular, and exclusive way to see Ireland. We want people to see and experience the “real” Ireland so often hidden from tourists being rushed from one attraction to the next. We carefully design every mile of each itinerary, ensuring the highest quality in accommodation, food and fun. Passengers have all the advantages of traveling with people who know their way around the backroads and byways, who know the best places to eat and hear great music.

Music – Culture – Crafts

Ireland’s Culture and History is our specialty – be it traditional music and song, archeology, or handcrafts like kniting, weaving, pottery. Everyone involved in delivering our tours has a distinguished background in music, history, the arts – except our driver, but he’s a great ceili dancer!

Personal Service

We design our tours with a 1:6 staff to passenger ratio. This makes it more like taking a few friends around to see the sights. You will never suffer from the “herd of cattle” syndrome with us! We don’t purchase tours and hand you over to other suppliers.

Regional Tours

We see a lot but we prefer to ramble rather than race through it all, so we often design itineraries that focus on a particular region. We prefer spending less time on the bus and more time experiencing the real Ireland. In addition to well-known sights, we feature aspects of the Heart of Ireland: craftspeople, storytellers, little towns and villages, dolmens, ancient castles and early monastic settlements.

Want to know what it’s like traveling with us?
Read what Passengers have to say!
Or find out what the Cape Cod Times reported.